Today, the end-of-year holiday experience is an exercise in the consumerism that is consuming us. This is simply unsustainable. It won't last long into the emerging climate era. What will take its place?
Santa Claus, cast in the role of Patron Saint of Consumerism, has had a change of heart! He's guided by a new vision. Imagine what it would mean if all the energy and effort now spent on our year-end consumerist binge were invested in healing the environment and helping stabilize climate instead.
This page will post different suggestions and approaches to manifesting this vision. Have a suggestion to share? Please send it to happyholiday (at) SantaSoaked (dot) net.
Numerous individuals and organizations help show the way:
ActNow, the United Nations campaign for individual action on climate change and sustainability.
Greenpop encourages us to "join the restore ecosystems and empower environmental stewards through forest restoration, urban greening, food gardening, and environmental awareness projects across Sub- Saharan Africa."
Shop Zero offers green options for earth-conscious customers with little or zero packaging to help people on their journey to reduce their waste. Shop Zero has a passion for sustainable plastic-free living, with products to promote your health and the wellbeing of our planet.
Halo Dish Covers provides functional, everyday items that are both practical and kind to the environment. These are alternatives to disposable household items, developed to make household chores feel better, while helping to reduce the amount of single-use plastic in the environment.